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Group Health and Safety KPIs

Group-wide 2012 2011 Comment
Lost Time Injury (LTI) 3 3 There were no fatalities recorded. All incidents relate to onshore drilling in Indonesia. Investigations carried out on all incidents. HSE supervision increased
Lost Time Injury Frequency (LTIF) 1.31 0.85 Above OGP average of 0.70
Total Recordable Injury (TRI) 6 12 Three LTI’s and three other recordable incidents
Total Recordable Injury Rate (TRIR) 2.62 3.41 Investigation completed into spike in TRIR during the first three quarters of 2011 since when zero TRIs have been recorded
Hours worked (millions) 2.3 3.5 Reduced as operations were focused around three main assets


Group Environmental KPIs

Group-wide 2012 2011 Comment
CO2 Emissions (tonnes) 75,200 83,079 Reduction a result of less flaring at Kambuna field
CO2 Emissions (tonnes
per thousand tonnes
120 77 Increased on a unit basis as production was lower and used thousand tonnes production) more diesel as a result of extensive drilling operations. Below OGP average of 133
GHG emissions
(tonnes per thousand
tonnes production)
138 80 See above. Below OGP average of 159
Flaring and venting
6.2 47.0 Reduction in production at Kambuna
Flaring and venting
(tonnes per thousand
tonnes of production)
0.22 0.99 Below OGP average of 15.73
Oil and chemical spills 5 15 Leaks were small scale from a corroded condensate line which had been replaced
Oil and chemical spills
– total spilt (tonnes)
0.14 1.11 See above
Oil and chemical spills
– released to the environment (tonnes)
0.14 1,293 See above
Tonnes of oil to the
environment per million
tonnes of production
0.26 1.02 Below OGP average of 7.94
Produced water
discharged (tonnes)
11,612 19,900  
Oil in produced water
discharged (tonnes)
0.58 0.80  
Oil in produced water
(tonnes per million
tonnes production)
0.93 0.74 Below OGP average of 6.74